Security guard shot dead by trigger-happy police officer in Lagos

A police officer shot and killed an innocent bystander in Lagos on Thursday night. Reports identify the man as Musa Ali, a security guard from Jigawa state, who was at his duty post when a stray bullet from the officer's service weapon struck and killed him on the spot.

The guard had been at work, watching over two shops on Ogunlana Drive, a business district, in Nigeria's commercial city when his fate turned sour.

Residents in the area who confirmed the attack explained that Ali had been killed when a police officer at one of the several checkpoints on the street, fired at random into the air.

An eyewitness said the police man, identified as Corporal Terwase Mzeyol, had been at one of the checkpoints, extorting N50 payments from motor bike, or "Okada", drivers when one "Okada" man refused to stop for the fee.

As the man made his escape from the police officer, N50 still in his possession, the police officer allegedly fired his weapon into the air to stop him. It was bullets from this officer's unlawful discharge that struck Ali on his chest, killing him instanty, the eye witness explained.

Channels Television reporter investigated further and learned that the police officer had been arrested.

Area Commander, Mohammad Ali, speaking off-camera to our reporter at the Iponri Police Station, Surulere Division, said the suspect was being detained at the station, pending further investiagion.

The area commander said the trigger happy cop will be prosecuted and punished accordingly, if found guilty. (Channels TV)

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