Line-by-Line enumeration of Mr. Jonathan's N97 speech

 The president address τ̲̅ȍ Nigerians
Fellow Nigerians, the last few days have changed my understanding of the people of this great nation. I have developed a greater sense of respect for the passion with which millions of you trooped to the streets to register your opposition to the policy of my government
Realities: (Obviously Mr. President has taken you and I for a fool, he must have been severally advised that Nigerians will not be able to protest for long before hitting the streets back, the past leaders must have mentioned to him that the have embedded poverty so much into the system that the people cannot fight the government for so long!)

I have heard you. Without hesitation, I hereby announce an immediate reversal of the oil subsidy removal.
Realities: (With this statement, I sincerely believe that you truly haven't heard, because reversal mean Fuel price will go back to N65, but you announced N97)

The debate we’ve had and the energy your actions infused into our political process make me feel so strong about this decision. Living in this bubble called Aso Rock Villa, I often forget that the mandate I have came from the people. I appreciate the stress and hardship you went through to remind me of that very important tenet of our democracy.
Realities: (the same bubble you live in the past four years before you came out with no shoes to promise Nigerians heaven on earth in the nation. I believe you enjoyed the bubble all along, and for the hardship, you definitely know cos you know the poverty the system you live in has created and going by your stories of having no shoes, you must have tasted poverty in its depth, so stop telling us what you think we want to hear!)

On behalf of the nation, I wish to extend my sincere condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the demonstrations. Their deaths will not be in vain. In the future, I hope we can find a way to do the right thing without losing the precious life of a single Nigerian.
Realities: (the same set of killings your administration sponsored the security agents systematically to create fear into protesters? Obviously it didn't work, so you can come out and say this, you been purely political, you could have said this on Monday 9th of Jan 2012 when Demola was killed in Ogba by the Pen Cinema DPO + a league of other young men who died that same day)

If I read your message right, my government has not earned your trust. And without trust, we have no moral authority to demand sacrifices from you. More so when we, the government, have not made sacrifices ourselves. I have come to realize that more than everything else, the Nigerian people want accountability from their leaders. It is through the door of accountability that you will open for us the room where your trust resides. You all have taught me that only a foolish man will put his tomorrow in the hands of a man who cannot account for his yesterday.
Realities: (No, I think your government did, but you lost it recently and more precisely on Jan 1 2012, when you decided to become seriously greedy and want more than your great-grand fathers has ever achieved all put together. On putting tomorrow in someone's hands, you are a educated Mr. President, seriously educated as a matter of fact, so we don't expected you to learn this lesson late, so late in your life that it portrays you as incoherent)

Even a government with good intentions is not always right. In our haste to implement a policy we felt was essential to our economic well-being, we failed to envision the ramifications of our action. We appeared silly arguing that we did not expect the price of food items to go up because trucks and buses use diesel and not fuel. But the truth, which we should have known, is that once the price of one thing goes up in Nigeria, the prices of other things follow. In fact, prices go up in Nigeria for the mere fact that workers got a pay increase.
Realities: (Oh yeah, a good government knows they are there to serve and not to rule, so if a policy is not good for the people, the government makes it suit their demands without wasting time and thinking its (govt) a god over the people. You didn't appear silly, You Are Unbelievably SILLY, to have taught that way! We know that and that's why we came to the streets, so we don't need you to tell us how silly you are!)

Also, our argument that the only way we can control corruption at the downstream sector of our oil industry is by removing the subsidy is like arguing that amputating a leg is the only way we can cure a laceration. With that approach, we will soon end up severed into tiny bits that cannot work together.
Realities: (if Nigerians didn't reject this, I'm so sure you won't come out to say this,even if after your foolishness, you realised you have amputated Nigerians! Haba!)

At several points in the course of defending our position, we portrayed ourselves as incompetent. We gave the impression that we are incapable of protecting our borders. We gave the impression that we have people in this country who are above the law. We gave the impression that we are more interested in protecting our indulgences while demanding unbearable sacrifices from you all.
Realities: (We intelligent Nigerians, who have not been part of your advisory team, knows you are incompetent, till know we still doubt that our protest have breathe a overnight knowledge of people politics into you, we think you are still the fluff we have always known. You have always been above the law man, you removed fuel subsidy without the permission of the Senate and Reps, and the duo even gave you ultimatum to reverse but you didn't even bulge!)

I have seen the anger in the hearts of many suffering Nigerians. Your anger is well justified. The anguish of our youths, the despair of the old, can no longer be taken for granted. I fully accept the blame of all that happened. I am not ashamed to say that we did not get it. Our assumptions were wrong. For so long, we looked the other way while millions of you suffer. Until last week, I thought it was enough to promise you that the suffering would be temporary. Now I know it isn’t.
Realities: (You should be ashamed, we believed you and your administration can change Nigeria and that's the reason we voted you into office, to have called this a mistake is eternally grave and unforgivable. oh yeah you did looked the other way, you told us our suffering will be temporary, but you don't have to suffer, at least not with us)

We are going back to the very basic. From your litany of complaints, I understand that at the very core of our problem is that we have not managed the affairs of this nation well in the last 50 years. And I saw in your faces, the determination to change that. In the stomping of your feet, I heard a demand that extended beyond the oil subsidy removal.
Realities: (But we don't expect you to realise this today, you should have seen it since the beginning of your life, through schools, through the several government houses you have enjoyed, at least that was why some many Nigerians taught you are best for the seat. True it is beyond subsidy, the best thing to do now is resign)

I have mapped out a new path. And that is what I plan to explain to you in this speech.

Thanks to you, we are going to fundamentally change our ways. It is no longer going to be business as usual. And to kick it off, I will start with myself. I believe there cannot be accountability without transparency. I have not been transparent. But that ends today.
Realities: (Nothing is going to end today with your vague words, we know the kind of politics you have been advised to place, we will not be moved by this, you don't wait to lose your gold before you realise it's worth, that's exactly what you're trying to do!)

The law demands that I declare my assets at the beginning of each term. I have not done so before now out of fear that Nigerians may not understand. But the Nigerians I saw in the last one week are people who want the truth more than they expect what is right. I want Nigerians to know that I am worth 50 billion Naira(?). My salary and allowances each year is about N320 million naira. That, my fellow Nigerians, is outrageous in a country where hundreds of millions of my fellow citizens live on less than N320 a day.
Realities: (Hmmm, when did you worth N50 billion? how have you worked to come up to that asset? Your salary and allowances can't have summed up to N320 million, or is this the new figure you want to earn? what happened to the N1 billion you feed on annually, the N335 million for utensils a year, the renovation of about N450 million and the cutting of grass of over N200 million? you are still been unfair in your declarations, it still says a lot about who you really are)

To show how serious I am about the changes I want to put in place, I will forgo any salary and allowances for the rest of my term as president. Moving forward, I will pay for the feeding of my family and so will the vice president. I am slashing the budget for feeding at the presidency to N300 million a year and that will be for visiting dignitaries alone. The 25% cut in salary that I announced two weeks ago for staff of the executive branch, I want to increase it to 50% for those making more than N2, 000,000 a month. And it includes cuts to their allowances. I’m also cutting all other expenses in the budget for the presidency by half. That alone will bring in N100 billion Naira back into the treasury. I have ordered the presidential fleet of aircrafts to be reduced to two instead of nine.
Realities: (But N300 million is still about N1 million per day, have you ever fed like that with what you earned as a lecturer? oh sorry, looting the treasury of the country has become so part of all of you that you think this is going to sound nice... Well done, cut it by 50% or 80%, what you feed the media is what they will report, it means we still don't trust this nonsense you are regurgitation!)

We have serious problems in this country and we need to tackle them with all seriousness. Now, I cannot do it alone. I need your help for us to transform this country. I sincerely believe that the lawmakers can live on 50% of their current income. I cannot cut their pay on my own. I need you to put pressure on them to do the right thing. If you have to occupy their offices and their homes, I urge you to do so. The same thing applies to the governors and the local government chairmen. They can live on less. They will not do so unless you push them. There is no reason why a governor should have a private jet in a country like ours where the basic needs of our people are not being met.
Realities: (hmmmm ... you think it's time to turn your back on your subsidy removal supporters now? oh... you can cut their pay, if you can remove subsidy without anyone's consent, of course you can, or are you saying they knew about it? You think it's the public that should protest to achieve your purpose in office? then we don't think you will be needed in the villa no more, maybe we should not have a president, a president that tells the citizen to take to the street to determine the salary of the LG chairmen is a mediocre!)

We all have known for a very long time that the corruption in our system is so endemic. What we didn’t know, until you all hit the street, is that we have in us the will power to confront corruption. To that end, I am sending a bill tomorrow to the National Assembly abolishing the ICPC and the EFCC. Those two toothless agencies have not lived up to the expectations of the Nigerians I saw on the streets. In place of these two bodies, I am establishing the Nigerian Bureau of Investigation. The new agency will have far reaching powers to investigate and prosecute all crimes committed against the federal government. We will train elite members of the police and prosecutorial staff who are upright and passionate about eradicating corruption in our society.
Realities: (oh oh, this is gonna sound more like old drink in a new bottle, you better not waste time and money again, if the Nigerian populace ever give you a chance of staying in that office, you had better know that restructuring is what is needed and not re-establishment! a free piece of sound advise that your adviser will never be able to tap into)

I believe that corruption is like uncontrolled flood. We are wasting our time paving the roads and coating the surface with bitumen if we have not built formidable drainage system of solid culverts and gutters. That is where we need to begin the enormous works that face us. Once we get the drainage system right, reconstruction of our roads, our educational system, our health sector, our larger society, will be a lot easier.
Realities: (this paragraph sounds most like the only part that makes sense in this whole time-taken, edited and re-edited "to suit hearing piece" put together by idiots)

From your actions in the last one week, I believe that there are still good people in our society. Our job is to create the environment for these good people to come out and serve our country. At this point, I’m announcing the dissolution of my cabinet. Tomorrow, I am sending a bill to the National Assembly asking them to quickly modify the constitution to allow me to trim down the number of federal ministries in Nigeria to twelve. I want to merge various ministries that duplicate their works and thereby trim down the federal workforce by at least half. I want the freedom to appoint credible men and women to serve our country irrespective of their region, ethnicity and religion.
Realities: (So it's now you realise there are people you are credible in the public, you have deliberated surrounded yourself with people who are corrupt! We can read between the lines, and we know what you mean)
I am also sending a bill to the National Assembly creating state police in Nigeria. I want every state government to be responsible for security of lives and property in their state. And with more responsibility comes greater accountability. States that fail to provide security will be held liable for lives and property of its citizens. The federal government cannot do it alone. Government is more effective when it is closer to the people.
Realities: (hmmm, our results must have resulted into some fast actions, isn't it? we need state police, we have been asking for it for long, this sounds more like "I'll say everything to please them so i can get my way".... I say we will not be moved by fake and rushed promises)

The seriousness of what we face in this country requires that you all stay on the street and apply pressure until the people constitutionally charged with making laws make the right laws that will transform our country. And you need to be vigilant to ensure that the laws are implemented.
Realities: (Even your excellency never respected the views of the lawmakers, we feel you are instigating us against them to create a "divide and rule"! We are smart oga)

Thank you all for reminding me that the possibilities out there for Nigeria are unlimited, for ours is a blessed land. Yesterday may have been bad but tomorrow, with your continuing push, will be glorious.
Realities: (You need no reminder sir, you are doing this to stay in control, some of us, if not all of us know it, I even heard that some people called this senseless piece you read on air "courageous" ,'s the greatest cowardice against humanity I have seen in my entire life, they must be so daft or be driven to say that because they've some vested interest in your govt)

From the very beginning, I was talking about transformational presidency but it was when you got into the street that I actually knew what I meant. When the overburdened mass of our people lead, I, the president, have no option but to follow. Your resilient is a source of inspiration to me. With your help, we will transform this country to one that we all shall be proud of. If I have to join you in the street, I will. I am your leader and I will follow you.
Realities: (That's so foolish to say sir, when you take your trips around the world, you sure know what Nigerians are going through, you want to continue to decieve us by saying you draw inspiration from our actions, when you actually want the security agents to scare us!)

This journey is not going to be easy. There would be entrenched interests that will come out swinging and hoping to crush what you have set in motion. I believe that together we can take them on and push them off the space of this beautiful country of ours which they have, for too long, dominated and occupied for their selfish ends. The inner strength of the Nigerians that I see in the last week will lead us through.
Realities: (The common Nigerian know the importance of the actions we are taken, so stop this repetition)

The journey to a new Nigeria starts now – a Nigeria revived by the people and for the people. This journey continues until we remove misery and restore dignity to the lives of every man and woman in our country.
Realities: (We know the New Nigerian is about to come out, but we don't believe you will be the one to bring it on)

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Realities: (Amen to that, But above all I think you should be charged for treason!)

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